What Are Safety Net Services?
WATCH the video below from one of our Safety Net Services clients, Jamia Lee, to find out more.
MCCT’s Safety Net Services Program aims to meet the immediate needs of Marin County residents who are challenged to meet their basic needs (i.e., food, shelter, etc.). Though it serves all of Marin County, this program is focused in Marin City.
As the “Amazon” of comprehensive support services, we provide a holistic, wrap-around approach to service that addresses the needs of the whole family, meets the community where they are, and operates with integrity, transparency, and openness.
The strength of MCCT’s SNS program is enhanced by MCCT’s over 50 Marin County, Bay Area and international partners.
We are proud to announce that since its inception, MCCT served over 1,200 people!
MCCT is currently serving Golden Gate Village Residents through its Safety Net Services Program.
If you are a GGV resident interested in the Building Better Black Businesses Workshops in our flyer below, please complete the sign up form ASAP!
If you are a GGV resident interested in the Life Skills Training listed in our flyer below, please complete the sign up form ASAP!
If you are a GGV resident in need to Safety Net Services needs-based grants, complete the intake form ASAP!