Led by the Zulu saying Ubuntu - “I am because we are,” MCCT is a partnership-first County-wide, Black-led multi-service agency operating out of Marin City and throughout Marin County.
MCCT seeks to combat the vast disparities imposed upon the Black community in key issue areas and break down the silos that exist among nonprofits serving the Black community.
Deliberately designed and created to change the economic, socio-emotional, and physical & mental health trajectory of Marin City and for Marin’s Black residents, MCCT has three main pillars--(a) Safety Net Services, (b) Youth Empowerment, and (c) Community Coalitions.
What Makes MCCT Unique?
WATCH the video below from our Executive Director, Jahmeer Reynolds, to find out more.
Our Purpose
Focused in Marin City—a historically Black community in the third most racially disparate county in California, Marin County—the Marin County Cooperation Team (MCCT) provides free (1) comprehensive support services addressing both critical and long-term needs and (2) transparent and robust civic engagement to address the historical and systemic racism and large wealth disparities that have left parts of Marin County lacking in basic quality supports, equitable economic and educational opportunities, and safety.
Our Vision
It is MCCT's hope to empower Marin County’s historically underserved communities and most vulnerable residents to increase their health, wellness, educational outcomes, and economic opportunities, which will lead to an overall improved quality of life through service, relationships, connection, and equity.